- 30.000 dried assays of “spermatophytes” and “pteridophytes”
- Library with more than 150 volumes
- Exsiccata of vascular plants from Italy, and from some European and foreign countries
- Searchable essays

It is one of the three university Herbaria of Lazio region. Enlisted in the Index Herbariorum since 1996, with the acronym ‘UTV’, the Tuscia Herbarium today has a collection of more than 40,000 dehydrated records in good condition, systematically assembled in 460 groups of folders, alphabetically organised by Family names, Genera and Species. The specimens have been provided by more than 750 Italian and foreign collectors. The collection increases by approximately 400-800 specimens every year. The Herbarium also has a small library with more than 150 volumes; it is fully equipped to assemble, study, preserve specimens, and for a computerized archive. The facility is primarily dedicated to the study of plant biodiversity and its documentation over time, with reference to the Italian territory, ensuring consultation and exchange of the specimens mainly across specialists, taxonomists and students. The Herbarium carries out activities to support the botanical teachings (university course, thesis and internships, realization of didactic herbaria, initiatives for schools, etc.), and takes an active part in projects managed by the SMA and DAFNE Department, aimed to educational service and the diffusion of scientific culture. The UTV Herbarium retains exsiccata of vascular plants from Italy, especially from Lazio region and the province of Viterbo, and from Europe and other countries. It includes, moreover, important individual records or specific collections of taxonomic interest (e.g., Fabaceae, Trifolium, Viola, Gastridium, etc.) related to specific floristic and vegetational contributions, to laurea degrees and Ph.D. thesis. Moreover, the herbarium hosts five deposited holotypes (single specimens of an organism, on which the original, formal description of any given species is based). All specimens are consultable directly at the Herbarium or through the website.
Tuscia Herbarium, University of Tuscia, via S. Camillo de Lellis s/n, Viterbo. Italy.
Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Anna ScoppolaPhone: +39 0761/357490 – 357244 e-mail: erbario@unitus.it
Website: http://www.erbario.unitus.it
Free admission on weekdays by reservation, guided tours and activities at the collections classroom.