- established in December 2005
- research centre of germaplasm
- conservation of germaplasm, especially seeds or spores, in special “banks”
- 600 accessions of spores and seeds of about 250 species

An method for biodiversity conservation is the collection of germplasm (especially seeds or spores) in the wild and its “cryoconservation” in special “banks” where dehydrated seeds and spores can remain viable for long periods, available in case of extinction of the species in the wild or for scientific research.
It was established in December 2005 and is part of the Italian network of germaplasm banks (RIBES); it is a research centre of germaplasm (seeds and spores) of endemic, rare or endangered species of the Italian flora, especially ferns and ochids. Currently, the Germaplasm Bank manages to preserve over 600 accessions of spores and seeds of about 250 species. Spores and seeds harvested in the wild are dehydrates, put into hermetically-sealed vials, and stored in a freezer.
Largo dell’Università s.n.c., Blocco C, Viterbo
Scientific Director: Prof. Giuseppe Colla
Tel: 0761 357091 Fax: 0761 357028.
E-mail: banca.germoplasma@unitus.it
Opening hours: Working days, on reservation. Free admission.