- Found in 1982
- 400 boxes containing about 9000 specimens
- 90 boxes containing about 1400 specimens used in the practical classes

The Entomological Collection of the University of the Tuscia has been found in 1982. The Entimological Collection consists of 400 boxes containing about 9000 specimens belonging to all the main orders of insects. Some scientific collections composed of specimens belonging to particular taxonomix groups, such as the collections of Coleoptera of Alessandro Focarile and Hymenoptera of Guido Pagliano, are very interesting.
In addition, there is a teaching collection of insects consisting of 90 boxes containing about 1400 specimens used in the practical classes of Entomology of the University of Tuscia.
Scientific Director : Prof.ssa Adalgisa Guiglielmino
Tel: 0761.357468
E-mail: guglielm@unitus.it