- 70 metal model of training system of fruit tree specimens
- botanical collection of 23 specimens of plants etc.
- didactically herbarium composed by 280 panels of dried plants

This composite scientific collection, includes objects, artifacts and specimens. It is composed of: 70 metal models of training system of fruit tree specimens, a botanical collection of 23 specimens of plants or parts of them such as flowers, fruits and other organs, a didactically herbarium composed by 280 panels of dried plants, an entomological collection consisting of numerous entomological boxes, and five specimens of mouth-parts of insects a collection of comparative anatomy made up of ten anatomical samples, a zoology collection with numerous samples preserved in formaldehyde. At the educational-experimental Azienda Agraria, the Agricultural Farm, there is a precious orchard used for teachig as well as other interesting collections being prepared.
Scientific Director: Prof. Sergio Madonna
Tel: 0761 357258
E-mail: sermad@unitus.it